Thursday, August 15, 2013

Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness

We have also posted links to Red Cross pamphlets on emergency planning:  Make An Emergency Plan, Basic Survival Kit and Additional Emergency Planning for Special Needs.


We have posted two short pages on how to get discounts on telephone, utility and transportation services: (L.A. phone & utility discounts) and (L.A. bus & transit discounts). These pages only discuss the process to qualify for discounts; we plan future articles on how to use the Los Angeles bus, dial-a-ride and other transit services. So go get your cards -- We promise to help you use them.


to ALLYnceLife, where we'll be posting all things community and adult life. I hope you enjoy our site, come back for more, and maybe join in on some of our conversations. Let us know what you think, what we're doing right, and where we need to improve!